Albanian Arrested in Greece for Heroin Possession

12 kilograms of heroin were found hidden in the trunk of a car, the amount that would be trafficked in the drug addicts' squares in Athens and Thessaloniki.

As a result, a 33-year-old Albanian and his 27-year-old Greek partner were arrested for this case, after a police operation.

In more detail it is learned that the Narcotics Prosecutor's Office of Thessaloniki seems to have had information about the transport of drugs and when the vehicle driven by the 33-year-old Albanian together with the 27-year-old Greek partner arrived on the road of Malgari i Ri (in PATHE), were subjected to a search, where 25 packages were found inside the luggage, with a total of 12 kilograms and 200 grams of heroin.

According to an announcement by the Hellenic Police, it is known that the arrested persons procured large quantities of heroin, which they stored and organized their transport and further trafficking within the Greek territory.

According to the same announcement, the arrested Albanian was known to the Greek police for robbery and serious theft committed in cooperation.

Both arrested persons were sent to the Criminal Prosecutor's Office of Thessaloniki to determine the measure of detention.