Arab Suggested as Paid Killer to Eliminate Businessman’s Rival

The businessman Pëllumb Gjoka was definitely looking for the head of Kleant Musabelliu, since the latter had injured him before.

In order to carry out their mission, the Gjoka-Bajri duo put some killers on the table, such as Kosovars, Serbs and an Arab.
Bajri suggests to Pëllumb Gjoka that: "The Arab does not have a problem at all, since he does work even with his face, (implying that no one knows him)".

The file shows the fact that the Gjoka-Bajri group have strong connections in the Shkodra police and manage to get classified information.

Gjoka tells Bajri that: "They (meaning the Lici rival tribe) have the deputy director and the director, while we have the head of Organized Crime, who gives us the information nivel 10".

So, once again in the SPAK file, the strong ties of the underworld with the police chiefs, who had even divided them among themselves and knew well who they worked for, came to light.

The intercepts that the French authorities extracted from the SKY application reveal not only how the contract killings worked, but also that many of the police leaders in Shkodër regularly served criminal gangs.

As a result of the SPAK action, 8 people were arrested and 9 others were declared wanted. Among those wanted is the name of Ervis Martinaj, associate of businessman Pëllumb Gjoka and Behar Bajri.