Buildings' Demolition, President Meta Meets '5 Maji' Residents

Residents of "5 Maji" neighbourhood in Tirana, whose apartments are affected by the reconstruction project have held a meeting with the President of the Republic, Ilir Meta. 

It is also learned that in the meeting are representatives of residents in two other areas of the capital, who have the same problem, those of Paskuqan and Lapraka. 

These areas of Tirana are part of the project of the municipality and the government for the reconstruction, but the residents on their part say that they do not agree with the agreement offered by the Municipality for the apartments that are being demolished within the reconstruction project. 

President Meta has come out in defence of their cause. He repeatedly asks the government to discuss with them, in order to solve the problem, while the government and the municipality say that all affected residents have been compensated. 

Residents have also come out in protest, where a few days before the prime minister's office they announced that they will go on hunger strike and will not withdraw until self-sacrifice.