Incinerators, Ex-Minister Koka to Appear at GJKKO
Former Minister of Environment, Lefter Koka arrested for the affair related to the concession of the incinerator of Elbasan, will face the testimony of 5 members of the Treatment Commission who approved the permit. The hearing is scheduled for Friday in the Courtroom of the Special Court against Organized Crime and Corruption (GJKKO).
For the incinerator of Fier and Elbasan, the former Minister of Environment has not yet been interrogated by the prosecutor Dritan Prençi. Koka remains isolated in the premises of the prison hospital, as he has shown health problems after his arrest.
A few days ago, the Mayor of Fier, Armando Subashi, was also interrogated. On the other hand, SPAK prosecutors are carrying out intensive actions regarding the investigations for the Fier incinerator. It is learned that investigators are seizing documents in the regional office of environment Fier as well as testimonies of local officials. These actions are intended to reveal whether there have been any violations related to the environmental and construction permit after the relocation of the incinerator construction coordinates.
Former Minister of Environment Lefter Koka was arrested last December after it is suspected that 3.7 million euros were paid in the form of bribes by Klodian Zoto and Stela Gugallja for the concession of the incinerator of Elbasan.