National Consultation to Become Annual in Albania
Prime Minister Edi Rama has highlighted Monday that the initiative of the National Consultation "we will turn into an annual practice of popular consultation" on important issues.
According to the Head of Government, the process of mail delivery of national consultation questionnaires has started in a few days and that the full postal delivery will be completed by February 22nd.
"These days, the establishment of public points of national consultation will start in every municipality", explained PM Rama as he guaranteed that this process will ensure the preservation of the anonymity of the persons who meet it.
“Anonymous process to avoid speculation about personal data storage. The envelopes are anonymous while the digital collection system does not require identification of participants. But in the system there are algorithms that disqualify abusive form fillings.
Maintaining 100% anonymity in this new democratic practice has been for this time the number one priority, further this first experience will teach us how to learn earlier in the future ", declared the Premier.
According to Rama, this initiative is made even though the majority has the votes in the Assembly to make changes, but "there is a clear and great significance that this process seeks to prove our democratic awareness that for decisions made for consultation only our conviction is not enough. nor our legitimate mandate to make decisions beyond our political camp, taking the opinion of those who are not our voters.
"This process may have its own questions and shortcomings, like anything new, just as it will have its respective objections and will receive its own ration of mud.
No question marks even in the natural flaws, despite the expected mud that reduces the value of a strategic olympic investment to strengthen the working relationship with the ordinary people of this country.
We guarantee even those who have political affiliation different from us are complexed or reluctant to give their opinion through anonymity as a citizen we give a new message to Albanian citizenship and humanity to rise above the mire of endless and unbearable party wars that they have made politics the ogre of the people", said the Prime Minister.