New Court Map, Albanian Lawyers Warn Indefinite Boycott of Cases

For 4 days in a row, lawyers across Albania boycotted court hearings in opposition to the new map of the judiciary. 

Through a response, the Chamber of Advocates states that the High Judicial Council (HJC) ignored their proposals for a new map, while calling on the government to accept their proposals. 

The Chamber of Advocates warned of an indefinite boycott if their proposals are not met. 

"The Steering Committee of the Albanian Bar Association, in the extended meeting of June 17, 2022, with the participation of the presidents of the local chambers of advocacy, considered the implementation of the decision to boycott the court proceedings for a period of four days. This Steering Committee evaluates the fulfillment of the purpose for which this decision was taken, considering it as the beginning of a process for the fulfillment of the requirements related to the practice of the profession of lawyer in Republic of Albania. 

We appreciate that the Albanian Bar Association has been present since the beginning of the drafting of the Judicial Map project the problem of the practical implementation of such a project. It was noted with regret that the HJC openly ignored and did not consider our proposals in its decision dated 10.06.2022. We stand by our assessment that this court map is in complete violation of the individual's right of access to justice, the inefficiency in the realization of the right to defense and the aggravation of the socio-economic situation of the individual. 

The Albanian Chamber of Advocates requests the Council of Ministers, as the decision-making body for the approval of the court map, to take into account the remarks and proposals made by us during this whole process. Failure to take into account the remarks and proposals of the Albanian Bar Association in the decision-making process by the government will be the object of assessing the position of the Bar Association, escalating our position in the future towards a total and indefinite boycott. 

Through this announcement, we find the opportunity to thank the community of lawyers who with high civic and professional culture enabled unanimously the realization of the purpose of the boycott. 

We thank the public for their support and understanding for the boycott of the lawsuits in which they were parties. A special thanks to the media for their continuous coverage and awareness raising." announced the Bar Association of Lawyers.