Snow and Ice Hit Albania as Cold Weather Continues

Albania saw a dusting of snow as the cold weather continued across the country. Meteorologists warned that this  severe weather will continue and citizens are urged to avoid unnecessary movement and pedestriants were warned of slippery conditions, which the forecaster said could cause "some injuries from falls".

State police said earlier that freezing rain was "making the roads and path treacherous". Police issued also a warning to avoid walking on the iced roads as six people were injured and hospitalized in Elbasan due to severe weather. 

Overnight temperatures dropped to as low as -11°C while in some cities they dropped as low as -15°C. 

Roads where drivers should move with tire chains:

-Laç-Milot, Halilaj-Krujë, Krujë-Sarisalltik. Surrel village up to the Dajti Mountain. Elbasan-Gjinar, Gramsh Kodovjat-Mollë Grabovë, Lunik Steblevë.

Tire chains are also necessary in Dardhë viillage of Korca, Voskopoje, Llogara.