US Raises Concern over Attempts to Intimidate Albanian Judges

Through a message on Twitter by Ambassador Yuri Kim, the US has once again confirmed its support for justice reform.

Ambassador Kim has stated that the US is aware of efforts to seduce and intimidate judges so that those enjoying impunity are not punished. 

But the time has come to break the old models of corruption and illegal influence in the judicial system, the ambassador emphasizes, adding that the US is following the process closely. 

"We are aware of many attempts to lure or intimidate judges & prosecutors, to distort justice, to insist on impunity for the powerful, that is, to drag Albania back into the past. 

It is time to break the old habits of corruption and illegitimate influence in the judicial system. Albania must move forward, not backward, nor stay in one place. 

The United States is closely following all developments and will continue to strongly support the implementation of justice reform," stressed Kim.