Vucic Warns Consequences for Ukraine If It Recognizes Independence of Kosovo

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vu?i?, said that Ukraine "will lose everything it has in one day" if it recognizes Kosovo's independence. 

He claims that Ukraine would completely lose its political credibility within a day. 

"After that, how can Ukraine say that it adheres to international law? I am convinced that [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky will not make a mistake," Vucic said on August 8. 

He added that Ukraine is a friendly country of Serbia, and that there are no problems in relations between the two countries. 

Vucic made these comments during a joint media conference with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Bernabic in Belgrade, where they answered questions about a letter from deputies from European Union countries (EU) and the United States, who requested more measures strict towards Serbia. 

On August 7, dozens of politicians from Europe and the United States sent a letter to top EU and Washington officials, asking them to change their approach to Kosovo and Serbia. 

Serbia does not recognize the independence of Kosovo, but with the mediation of the European Union, Belgrade and Pristina are in talks for the normalization of relations. 

Vucic said that the letter of the European and American deputies "is not against me, but against Serbia."