10 Intelligent Vehicles Added to State Police Fleet

There are ten new intelligent vehicles that are added to the State Police fleet and will come out on the road from Friday, to track and identify vehicles even at a long distance, which violate traffic rules. 

The Minister of Interior, Bledi Çuçi, said that the cars are equipped with cameras and radar systems for monitoring and punishing drivers who violate traffic rules. 

"It will affect to further increase road safety. With only one intelligent vehicle 10 months ago, we had fantastic results for identifying persons who violate traffic rules and has doubled the fines, for this purpose, imagine now that 10 more are added. 

They are in different colours, we will paint them with other colours in order not to be identified, but to trace the license plate, make the car profile as it is registered in the road service directorate. They identify the speed in a long distance and have a GPS device that identifies the location of the vehicle that committed the violation. 

And this information automatically goes to the Fine, so that the physical contact between the violator and the police officer is avoided", said Minister Cuçi.