Albania Is Considered Leader in Western Balkans for Digital Transformation

Leader performance, compared to other countries of the Western Balkans, for the digital transformation of the country, in the provision of public and administrative services and well-governance in the country. Higher figures in expressing the satisfaction of citizens, so users of digital services, compared to other countries in the Western Balkans.

This is the assessment that Albania has received based on the analysis made on the performance for 52 indicators in 6 areas of good governance and public administration, in the six countries of Western Balkans. This evaluation report was broadcasted at the Regional Ministerial for Good Governance and Public Administration, organized by the OECD/ SIGMA on 22 February this year, where took part representatives of 6 Western Balkan countries, who presented the progress related to this reform.

Albania has implemented some important reforms in many areas of public administration in recent years.

But, in the framework of public service delivery and good governance, Albania's greatest achievement is ranking first in digital transformation and online service delivery.

Transition of public services from physical to electronic is one side of the medal, but it seems that Albania has been praised for their performance so far. Citizens seem to be satisfied and have embraced digitalization. Thus, users of public administrative services in all countries of the region were asked how satisfied they are with online services and their practicality, and Albania has recorded higher figures, compared to other countries in the Western Balkans. To the question "Is it possible to download personal documents electronically such as certificates, certificates, etc.", 56% of respondents in Albania answered positively and that they regularly use such services (more than in any other country in the Balkans).

95% of administrative services have been made available online in recent years. 377 of them are level 4, which in the language of digital services means that they start and end online. The value of these electronic services was understood especially during the pandemic period, when physical contact was minimized to the maximum and e-Albania was a place of refuge for hundreds of thousands of citizens in need.

In the Albanian system of online public administrative services there are 55 electronic registers, which interact with each other in real time, making 66% of the forms for various applications to be filled in automatically on e-Albania, shortening the time for providing documentation and further simplify procedures.

The digital revolution in Albania will continue. The Road map for Good Governance Reforms 2030 will be the main platform that will guide public administration reform, public finance reform, public services, digitalization, anti-corruption and decentralization reform.