Parliament Gathers in Marathon Session, Agenda Revealed

The Albanian Parliament convenes this Monday to review the draft law "On the 2022 budget".

MPs will be free to speak indefinitely, while the end of the session is scheduled to be the next day. It is also expected that there will be debates between the leader of the Democrats Lulzim Basha and Prime Minister Edi Rama regarding this issue.

On the agenda are also the draft law “On addition and some amendments to law no. 92/2014 "On value-added tax in the Republic of Albania" amended ", draft law" On some additions to law no. 9975, dated 28.7.2008 "On national taxes", the draft law "On an amendment to law no. 8438, dated 28.12.1998 "On income tax", the draft law "On some changes and additions to law no. 61/2012 "On excises in the Republic of Albania". 

Full Agenda: 

In support of Order no. 23, dated 10.11.2021 of the Speaker of the Assembly, Mrs. Lindita Nikolla,
the day is as follows: 

1. Approval of the minutes of the plenary session dated 4.11.2021 and 8.11.2021 
(Article 44, point 2 of the Regulation 

2. Announcements 
(Article 44, point 3 of the Regulation) 

3. Draft law “On an addition and some amendments to law no. 92/2014 “On the tax on the value of 
added to the Republic of Albania “changed” ”. (Article 78 of the Constitution and Articles 55, 82 and 
73-77 of the Rules of Procedure, simple majority of votes for approval) 
The initiator is expressed 
The committee responsible for Economy and Finance is expressed 
Opinion of the Committee on European Integration 
Opinion of the commission for Production Activities, Trade and Environment 
Discussion in principle 
(Parliamentary groups are expressed) 
Voting time in principle 

4. Draft law “On some additions to law no. 9975, dated 28.7.2008 "On national taxes" of 
changed ””. (Article 78 of the Constitution and Articles 55, 82 and 73-77 of the Rules of Procedure, simple majority 
votes for approval) 
The initiator is expressed 
The committee responsible for Economy and Finance is expressed 
Opinion of the commission for Production Activities, Trade and Environment 
Discussion in principle 
(Parliamentary groups are expressed) 
Voting time in principle 

5. Draft law “On an amendment to law no. 8438, dated 28.12.1998 "On income tax" of 
changed ””. (Article 78 of the Constitution and Articles 55, 82 and 73-77 of the Rules of Procedure, simple majority 
votes for approval) 
The initiator is expressed 
The committee responsible for Economy and Finance is expressed 
Discussion in principle 
(Parliamentary groups are expressed) 
Voting time in principle 

6. Draft law “On some changes and additions to law no. 61/2012 “On excises in the Republic of 
Albania "changed". (Article 78 of the Constitution and Articles 55, 82 and 73-77 of the Rules of Procedure, 
simple majority of votes for approval) 
The initiator is expressed 
The committee responsible for Economy and Finance is expressed 
Opinion of the commission for Production Activities, Trade and Environment 
Opinion of the Committee on European Integration 
Discussion in principle 
(Parliamentary groups are expressed) 
Voting time in principle 

7. Draft law "On the budget of 2022". (Article 78 of the Constitution and Articles 55, 82 and 73-77 of 
Regulation, simple majority vote for approval) 
The initiator is expressed 
The committee responsible for Economy and Finance is expressed 
Giving opinions to other standing committees 
Discussion in principle 
(Parliamentary groups are expressed) 
Voting time in principle